Diabetic Delights: 5 Meal Plans to Support Weight Loss for Older Adults
This article will explore the best weight loss meal plans, looking at 5 of the top ones. Read on to learn more here.
I have the craziest type 2 diabetes story. I've always had polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) so I knew that I was predisposed to getting it (and my dad also has type 2). Of course, my doctor said losing weight would help for the PCOS and lower my risk of type 2. I started going to Weight Watchers and followed the points system diet religiously. I walked, drank water, watched the portions and wrote everything down. I gained two pounds the first week. The second week, I gained another pound...
This article will explore the best weight loss meal plans, looking at 5 of the top ones. Read on to learn more here.
This article will explore some sugary drinks to avoid for diabetes, looking at 5 of the worst. Read on to learn more about them.
Diabetes can lead oral health problems from dry mouth to teeth loss and infections. Read on to learn more about diabetes and dental health.
Millions of Americans have type 2 diabetes, and yet misinformation about the condition is widespread; we set the record straight.
Having type 2 diabetes is obviously not ideal, but there are some positive aspects to receiving the diagnosis. Watch this video for a positive spin.
The idea that only the seriously overweight develop type 2 diabetes is a misconception — thinner people can still have dangerous metabolic issues.
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When you have a chronic illness, feeling like you’re part of a community and knowing that you’re not alone in your day-to-day struggles is important.
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